Mental Health

Brisbane North PHN works with local communities, consumers, carers, health professionals, hospitals and community mental health providers to design local solutions to meet local needs,

GP Psychiatry Support Line

By calling 1800 16 17 18, GPs are connected directly with psychiatrists who can offer their expert advice regarding the mental health needs of your patients.

GPs may call the free service to discuss:

  • Medication Advice
  • Diagnostic Clarification
  • Risk & Safety
  • Management Planning
  • General Professional Counsel

Initial Assessment and Referral Decisions Support Tool (IAR-DST)

The IAR-DST provides a standardised, evidence-based and objective approach to assist with mental health care recommendations. The IAR guides clinicians to consider what information needs to be collected from patients, to conduct a patient-centred and holistic assessment.

Considerations include the availability of informal support (like family), life circumstances that may be impacting your patient, co-existing conditions, and the patient’s motivation to access supports. The information gathered is then used to recommend a service type and level of care (level of intensity) to help inform a referral decision made by the GP.

Your clinical judgement, combined with the IAR decision support tool, will ensure the person seeking support is directed to the most appropriate care – no matter where they sit along their recovery journey.

IAR-DST benefits

Using this support tool will help improve the efficiency of the mental health consultation, by streamlining the collection of relevant information. The IAR is being progressively introduced across federal and state mental health services. Widespread uptake of the IAR means there will be consistency in the approach to assessment, referrals and service provision across the sector.

The IAR tool supports the stepped care approach to service delivery, which helps match people to the most appropriate services for their mental health needs.

The stepped care model comprises a continuum of interventions based on levels of resource intensity – from least to most intensive – matched to the individual’s needs. This approach also allows people to move easily between local services as their support needs change.

Brisbane North PHN offers incentivised training sessions to help general practitioners and GP Registrars understand how to use the IAR decision support tool.

Please contact Stephen Giles at or on 07 3490 3426 if you have any questions about the IAR-DST or the IAR-DST training.

Brisbane MIND and BrisbaneMIND4KiDS

Brisbane MIND delivers short-term psychological therapies for people with moderate mental illness from specific population groups and those at risk of suicide.  Brisbane North PHN’s Brisbane MIND program improves access to quality primary mental healthcare for vulnerable and disadvantaged communities across our region.

Brisbane MIND delivers short-term psychological therapies for people with moderate mental illness from specific population groups and those at risk of suicide.

To be eligible, people must demonstrate financial hardship and experience barriers to accessing Medicare Benefits Schedule-based psychological intervention.

GPs, psychiatrists, clinical nurses acute care team and paediatricians are able to refer into the Brisbane MIND and Brisbane MIND4KiDs programs
NOTE: The referring GP must practice in the Brisbane North PHN region as a general rule, however we will accept some referrals from GPs outside the region as long as the client resides in the region.

How to refer a patient

GPs and other health professionals can complete a referral into Brisbane North PHN commissioned mental health, alcohol and other drug and suicide prevention services via the My Mental Health Services eReferral. 

The My Mental Health Services eReferral is a single electronic form which can be used to refer into all commissioned services. The information provided in the referral form will be used to select a service matched to the consumers presenting needs. The eReferral will securely transmit the information directly to the service provider.

The My Mental Health Services eReferral is available online or installed into general practice software via the rediCASE GP Integrator. For further information about these referral options, please visit the My Mental Health website or contact the Head to Health Service Navigation team on 1800 595 212 or by email

Further information regarding mental health support and services including suicide, please visit the Brisbane North PHN or My Mental Health websites.

Mental health and suicide prevention education opportunities are available via our clinical education page.

Contact Practice Support

Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm 
Phone:07 3490 3495   

Email us