My Health Record (MHR) and NASH certification
A safe and secure place to keep key health information, available to patients and their healthcare providers anytime, including in an emergency.
Benefits to both patients and practices
My Health Records contain key health information like immunisations, pathology and diagnostic imaging reports, prescription and dispensing information, specialist letters, hospital discharge summaries and more, all in one place.
Healthcare provider benefits
- provides immediate access to key health information
- facilitates the validation and verification of clinical information
- avoid adverse medication events, provides access to allergy information
- avoids duplication of tests and diagnostic imaging
- provides immunisation details
- improves continuity of care, informs end of life care
Patient benefits
- prompt access to key health information in an emergency
- secure, convenient access to health information
- safer, faster more efficient care
- less need to remember key aspects of their medical history and medications
- improved management of health information
- informed self-management of health conditions
Privacy and access
Subject to any access controls the patient may have set, a registered healthcare provider organisation’s staff can access My Health Record if:
- they are providing healthcare or undertaking activities to support the provision of healthcare to the patient, and
- the organisation authorises them to do so.
Staff can only author clinical information to upload to My Health Record if:
- they have a Healthcare Provider Identifier – Individual (HPI-I), and
- their registration by a registration authority, or membership of a professional association, is not conditional, suspended, cancelled, or lapsed.
The My Health Records Rule 2016 requires registered healthcare provider organisations to:
- have a My Health Record policy that addresses, among other matters, how staff are trained and authorised to access My Health Record (rule 42), and
- employ reasonable user account management practices and mechanisms (rule 44).
Pathology and radiology information
A growing number of Pathology and Radiology providers are able to upload reports to My health Record. By taking their request forms to the participating providers, patients can choose to have their reports uploaded to My Health record.
e-Requesting (electronic ordering)
Electronic ordering of pathology is available for users of compatible clinical software. Referring GPs can send pathology requests to a patients mobile device via SMS at no cost.
Medical practices wanting to assist their patients and clinicians to access e-requests should check they are using compatible software and that patient files include a valid mobile number.
NASH - National Authentication Service for Health
The National Authentication Service for Health (NASH) is a digital PKI certificate used to authenticate and securely access digital health services. A Nash certificate must be renewed every 2 years to maintain access to these services.
A Nash certificate must be requested and downloaded by the Organisation Maintenance Officer (OMO) by logging into HPOS via PRODA. Once downloaded, the certificate needs to be installed into your clinical software, and any other digital health software that requires a Nash Certificate, such as your secure messaging provider.
NASH Certificates are used to access the following digital health services:
- My Health Record
- Electronic Prescribing
- Secure Messaging
- Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service
- GP Smart Referrals
Digital Health