COVID-19 vaccination
COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone 5 years and older.
Many general practices are already providing access to COVID-19 vaccinations for their local communities. To join, your practice must:
- hold a valid accreditation (or be undergoing accreditation) through the National General Practice Accreditation Scheme, or
- administer vaccines as part of the National Immunisation Program.
The Vaccine Operations Centre (VOC) manages and coordinates the safe and efficient delivery of COVID-19 vaccines to providers across Australia. Please contact the VOC by phone 1800 318 208 or email covid19vaccineoperationscentre@health.gov.au for enquiries including:
- Joining or re-commencing in the COVID-19 vaccine program
- vaccine availability
- ordering or delivery of vaccines
- stock transfers
- reporting requirements
- COVID-19 vaccine administrative system (CVAS).
Housebound people
Where people who are housebound and are having difficulty accessing a vaccination, they, their service provider, carer or family can contact the PHN for support in finding a provider, or to arrange an in-home vaccination.
To request support complete this online referral form or alternatively, please contact Brisbane North PHN on covid19@brisbanenorthphn.org.au.
People experiencing homelessness
Vaccinations are offered via outreach for people experiencing homelessness, including those living on the streets, in emergency accommodation, boarding houses or between shelters.
- Micah Projects (07 3036 4444) – various locations within Brisbane
- Queensland Injectors Health Network (QuIHN) (07 3620 8111) – various locations within Moreton Bay
- Street Doctor (07 3297 9666 or streetdoctor@medical-doctor.net) – various locations within Logan, Redlands and Beaudesert
Contact your nearest provider to request an outreach visit to your facility/area.
Culturally and linguistically diverse communities
Vaccinations and support, including bi-cultural and multi-lingual workers and access to interpreters for culturally and linguistically diverse communities, asylum seekers, refugee communities and non-Medicare eligible people
- Mater Refugee Health Service (07 3163 2880) – available at their Woolloongabba clinic or co-located with general practices with a large culturally and linguistically diverse population and support for pop-up vaccination sites in various communities
- World Wellness Group (07 3333 2100) – available at their clinic in Greenslopes and pop-up vaccination sites in various communities
Contact these providers directly for vaccine information support for your community.