
Responding to the health and wellbeing needs of your community during an emergency or natural disaster.

Brisbane North PHN offers a range of resources to support health professionals respond in emergency situations.

Tips during the response phase

  • Refer to the practice's emergency management plan.
  • Communicate to patients any changes to access or open hours and/or reinforce continued access.
  • Consider extending or offering alternative arrangements to accommodate changed or increase in patient demand.
  • Follow alert and warning updates.
  • Offer support to your local practices as agreed if you have the capacity to do so.

Useful Contacts

Energex provides live information and updates via its website. If you are experiencing a power outage, please contact Energex on 13 62 62.

Many areas throughout the Brisbane North region can experience flooding and roads can often be cut off or washed away – see which roads close to you are affected by a hazard, flooding, accident or closed via an interactive map.

The Practice Support team is here to provide assistance to practices experiencing a disaster, pandemic or emergency. Please reach out to our team via email or telephone if you require support.

Disaster and Pandemic Management

Contact Practice Support

Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm 
Phone:07 3490 3495   

Email us