Children's Health Queensland
Children's Health Queensland are a statewide network of health services and professionals delivering world-class care for Queensland kids.
The Queensland Children's Hospital is located at 501 Stanley Street, South Brisbane. For more information about the children’s hospital and what services are available for children and referral guidelines, please visit the children’s health Queensland website.
The Child Development Service works with families to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people with development concerns. The team includes developmental paediatricians, occupational therapists, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists, speech pathologists and social workers providing help with:
- coordination and movement (crawling, walking, drawing, writing)
- communication, speech and language skills
- feeding and self-care skills
- social and emotional skills
- behaviour
- learning and attention
- sensory processing issues
For referral enquiries please call 1300 245 126, Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm, or email CDP-CDSCentral@health.qld.gov.au.
The Ellen Barron Family Centre offers inpatient and virtual programs for families who need help with sleep, feeding and behaviours with their baby or toddler.
Programs include education sessions and support for general parenting, as well as an extended program for parent and carers with more complex parenting challenges.
Shorter program runs from 4 to 5 days and, and extended program runs from 9 to 10 days.
Jacaranda Place offers extended inpatient care and a day program for young people with severe or complex mental health difficulties that includes a lot of support for education or vocational needs.
Hummingbird House is Queensland’s only children’s hospice and one of only three children’s hospices in Australia.
Providing specialised paediatric palliative care services to babies, children and young people with a life-limiting condition, helping them make every moment precious when time is short.
Children's health services
Children's Health Queensland website
Child Development Service
Ellen Barron Family Centre
Jacaranda Place Mental Health Services
Hummingbird House & palliative care